Welcome to our swim family—we’re glad you’re here!
Designed to help build confidence and teach water safety, Swim Dakotah! is your go-to for swimming lessons, from parent/tot and kids to special needs and adults. Our instructors have been trained—in and out of the pool—and continue to improve on their skills and deepen their knowledge to maintain a strong, consistent program for our favorite swimmers—YOU!
How to Register
Current Members
Use your DSF membership account information when prompted. If your child is not a member, they do NOT need to open a separate guest account.
Non-members who are already registered, please use the “Find my account” section to search for your current access details.
NEW Non-Members:
If you are new to the program and aren’t a DSF Member, create a guest account here.
Classes Available & Sign Up* We are unfortunately not offering Swim Lessons this spring, but they will return this summer.