January 29, 2021 Recipes

  • Whole chicken breast
  • BBQ sauce
  • 1 slice of Swiss cheese
  • Sandwich bun
  • 2 slices of bacon
  • 1 pineapple ring
  • 1 slice of tomato
  • Lettuce leaf
Prepare night before:
  1. Put chicken breast and BBQ sauce in a bag. Make sure you put enough sauce in the bag to cover the chicken. Place bag in the fridge to marinate overnight.
Next day:
  1. Warm the chicken on the grill.
  2. Place the Swiss cheese on top of chicken. When cheese is melted, remove from grill.
  3. Put butter on bun and place on the grill—flat side down—remove when golden brown.
  4. Layer with the above ingredients.